360 Degree Spin Product Photography
We are pleased to feature here some examples of HTML5 360 degree photography shot for clients such as Bentley, Zimbolic and Penn Studios…our newly purchased special turntable is capable of turning products up to 600lb and can do spin video too, some examples to come soon. This type of product illustration is becoming more and more popular with many e-commerce web sites and allows the use to spin, stop and zoom the product, this kind of imagery usually works best where the product has vital or important visual information all the way around. These examples are published without the zoom function.
It is somewhat of a myth that this type of product photography is hugely expensive, yes it does cost a bit more to produce and this can vary according to the size and style of the product but generally we can shoot these fairly quickly, it just takes a bit longer to set up the turntable and lighting.
Please call us for an estimate on 01684 850556 or use the email function button to the left. Thank you.
*please be patient whilst these 360 images load in the background*

Tech Industry Product Photography
ANPR camera body shot for MAV systems without shadow or reflection.

Homeware Product photography
A Murano Vase branded specially for Bentley Cars and shot as part of their 100 year anniversary giftware range. Shot with reflection.

Tech Industry Product Photography
ANPR camera body & hood shot for MAV systems without shadow or reflection.

Leisure Product Photography
The weekender Backpack created for & branded for Bentley Cars and shot as part of their 100 year anniversary giftware range. Shot with reflection.

Large Lifestyle Product Photography
A reclaimed scrap metal Giraffe garden sculpture created by artisans in Zimbabwe and sold in the UK by Zimbolic, Cheltenham. Slight shadow required. This product is 7 feet tall.

Lifestyle Product Photography
A reclaimed scrap metal Cockerel garden sculpture created by artisans in Zimbabwe and sold in the UK by Zimbolic, Cheltenham. Slight shadow required.